I Was Broken

I don’t talk about personal stuff very often, but everyone has a big turning point at least once in  their life. Sometimes life gives you lemons, here’s how I made my lemons into lemonade…

The truth is, I have been chronically ill for over 20 years. You wouldn’t know it to look at me, because mine is an invisible illness called Fibromyalgia. It leaves me with chronic pain (a deep aching soreness  in my muscles) and debilitating exhaustion. It’s  like having the flu, but it never goes away.

Despite the bad news, I am grateful to have a  diagnosis that is not life threatening and is treatable with a regiment of  medication, exercise and vitamin supplements. I can function at 70-80% of my previous normal function and  energy.

But, the illness definitely has taken a toll on my daily life and still does. Years ago, I realized  that continuing  to work at my full-time  job as a college marketing  director was no longer possible.  

For a career- driven, type-A person like me, this was  a devastating blow. I’d had a great career in higher  education, but living with a chronic illness deprived  me of the energy and strength to keep up with the demands of a fast-paced career. I was broken.

Enter Entrepreneurship…

Over 15 years ago, I took a leap of faith and left my job with plans to start my  own freelance marketing/PR business on a part-time basis while working at home so that I could  take care of my health, my family and build my career based on my needs. I was so excited that I leapt  into my new venture without regard for research, planning, funding or realizing how tough it really  is to start a business. I just knew I was good at what I did. For the first several years in business, I really struggled.

I did all the traditional things I thought I  should do to market my business – direct mailings,  letters, put an ad in the Yellow Pages (a very costly mistake!), advertised in local papers, had expensive full-color brochures printed, etc.  Yet, nothing I did was brought  in clients.

As I was  slowly building  my business, I was  asked to start a local chapter  of a national women’s networking   organization. Starting this new chapter   from the ground-up was quite a challenge,   mostly because I had absolutely no marketing budget or  funding of any kind. Other people told me I was crazy  to accept such a position, but I followed my gut. I knew  that running a networking group would get me out in the community in a big way.

It turned out to be one  of the best decisions of  my life because it opened me  up to a new world of possibilities  and connections (authors, speakers and business coaches).

I   started   to implement   creative, no-cost   marketing methods and  within months, my chapter   skyrocketed. My monthly networking  events sold-out and the number of   new members soared. We attracted prominent,    six-figure corporate sponsors and multiple media  partners. In six months, we were the fastest growing chapter  in the nation.

It  was so  successful   I had to turn  people away at our  events! Even the CEO of the organization, as  well as other chapter leaders, started asking  me what I was doing to become so successful,   so fast. I trained other chapter leaders in my   marketing and publicity tactics and they started to see the same success.

And the best part… I didn’t spend a dime on advertising.

I  loved  what I  was doing  and became very  passionate about helping  other women to market and  promote their businesses. Soon,  women started asking me for coaching  and advice on how they could use marketing  techniques to build their businesses and attract   clients. I knew that I had found my calling as a  business coach and knew what I had to do.

I signed  up for a coach training  program and became a certified  business coach. A year later, I  joined a marketing coach training program  with a very successful business coach and   best- selling author. And no, I couldn’t afford it, but I also couldn’t afford  NOT to do it. I immersed myself in learning from him and the other members of the group.

I also  started learning  more about online  marketing. Facebook and Twitter  started to boom and I found that   there were much easier ways for me  to leverage my time and get the word out  about my business in an even bigger way by using  the power of social media. I was amazed at the ability of social media to  rapidly spread ideas and messages to a much bigger national and global  audience than anyone could ever imagine.

Recognizing  that social media  was the future of marketing,  I sought further training (again!). In 2009, became  certified as a social media specialist, personally trained  by the immensely talented and widely recognized social media  guru Mari Smith (marismith.com), I was mentored by Mari and others  in the social media industry and it has helped me to help my clients achieve some amazingly positive results.

I  have  always  been a marketer  and that’s what I  do, but my unique gift  is inspiring women to do  big things in the world by  helping them tap into their own  “Inner Celebrity” (or what I like  to call your unique brilliance). I  help them become the #1 expert in their  niche and leverage that fame to make an   even bigger difference in the world.

From  the deepest  core of my being,  this is what inspires,  drives, connects and reconfirms   my commitment to overcoming my   illness and doing the hard work it takes  to make a difference and be successful in the world. Beyond money, what really  matters to me is impacting women’s lives for the greater good.

Why am I Sharing This With You?

Having  fibromyalgia  is not something  I usually talk about.  I tell myself I’m tough and  fight through the symptoms; acting  as if I am 100 percent healthy like the  people around me. I’m in denial a lot of the time because  I want my body to function as it used to. When I work too  much or am too physically active (like planting bushes in my flower beds last weekend  – whew!), my body always reminds me through the searing pain that I am not my former self and I’m a little different from everyone else.

Why am I sharing this with you now? First, I really want to spread   awareness of this illness and how it affects 6 million people in the  US alone. One whom I admire most is the author Martha Beck (you may have  seen her on Oprah or read her bestselling self help books) who has been  an inspiration to me as an example of thriving with fibromyalgia. She is not shy about talking about her  illness and has a fabulous career as a writer, even thought she suffers with fibromyalgia like I do. Hey, if Martha can do it, then I can too!

It’s  time to  become radically  transparent, to tell  my story of loss, grieving,  pain and suffering, yet ultimately   triumphing over this illness. I don’t let  it keep me down even though there are days  that I just can’t get out of bed or summon the   energy to get through the day. I push through because  I want a life with meaning and freedom, and part of that  for me is helping others become all that they can be in creating businesses that allow them to live their purpose.

So  instead  of sharing  a story of “woe  is me,” I’d rather  tell you a story of  transformation and triumph!  For many years I thought that having fibromyalgia was a curse  (and some days I still do!), but now I look at it as a blessing/  I’ve learned so much and really have grown into the person I want to be, despite my physical limitations.

For  example,  I never would  have thought about  having my own business before fibromyalgia. Being  forced to quit a job I loved as a college administrator was so crushing to me, but I simply couldn’t keep up  with the  pace. I knew  I couldn’t work  full time anymore,  but my creative side wanted an outlet. So, 10  years ago I created my first business. I’ve  been on a joyful ride ever since. Now, I can’t  imagine living any other way. I’ve been able to build   a career around my illness which provides me the freedom  to work when I want, where I want, spend more time with my  children and family, and have time to rest when I need it most.

Before  fibromyalgia,  I never really  appreciated the little  things in life…the stuff that really  matters. I recently read an article  about the regrets of people on their death  beds written by a hospice nurse who found commonality  among all dying people. They all had the same regrets.  They wished they hadn’t worked so hard or spent more time  with friends. They wished they had spent more time with the important people in  their lives instead of working for the corporate machine. I do not want to have those  regrets! That’s exactly what pushes me to live my purpose though my work.

Each one of us was put here for a reason and despite illness, loss and limitations; each of us has the power to create the life we want.

Choose  happiness  over sadness.  Find out what we  love to do and create and income out  of it. Live life to the fullest and fulfill  your purpose, no matter how hard life is sometimes.  In her last show, Oprah said something that really stuck  with me, “You alone are enough. Each one of us was put on  this earth for a reason. Your job is to go find your purpose and live it.”

Although still a work in progress, I strive every day to live my
purpose  to help others  build businesses that  fulfill their purpose and   feed their soul. You alone are  enough! You have gifts to share and    you have a choice to live a happy life. Having a happy life really is a choice. It took me  a long time to realize  that. I choose to live my purpose through my business. I’m doing the work I was meant to do.

How  about  you? Do  you consciously  see the lesson   in every thing that  happens in your life,  or do you blame others  for your unhappiness? Are you living  your true purpose, or are you grinding  it out, day by day in a job you hate. You have  a purpose to live, are you seeking to find it,  or accepting your life the way it is and settling  for being less than happy?

You have to power to turn it around. There is a lesson in everything, you  just need  to find it.  I’ve learned so  many lesions from  having this illness that I almost  can’t imagine not having it. Is your  burden to bear a blessing or a curse? Choose  blessing and the Universe will reward you with more than you ever imagined.

What challenges have you overcome to live life on your terms? Comment below…

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