Finding the Time for Social Media

DF_article_socialmediaAs a marketing/social media coach, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “Who has time for all this social media stuff?” My answer is that you make time for the things you give priority. Maybe social media ranks low on your priority list right now, but I want to show you ways that you can maximize your social media marketing time. It should take you no more than 20 minutes a day.

Social media does take time. One of the biggest complaints I get from clients is “Who has the time for all this?” If you use my 20-minute a day method, it will be very easy and you will see some amazing results in very little time. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Schedule 15-20 minutes each morning to engage in your social networks. Add an update, accept/reject friend requests, respond to direct messages etc. Do not go over your 20 minute limit! It’s so easy to go down a rabbit hole and get lost in social media for hours. Be intentional and disciplined.
  2. Use down time when you are waiting for a flight, in a hotel, in between meetings, etc. to check your social networks and post an update about where you are and what you’re doing throughout your day.
  3. Use a blog editorial calendar and stick to the topics you’ve already outlined. Instead of sitting at your desk on Monday morning wondering what you’ll write about, you will already have your topics for each week planned out. I can’t tell you how much this has helped me and my clients!

Remember that successful social media marketing is not necessarily about the time you put in, rather the consistency of your efforts. It’s much better to send out 1-2 updates a day than to bombard your followers once a week with 10 updates in one day. With consistent effort, you’ll become a valuable source of information to your community of followers and fans.

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