tips, resources & updates


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No one buys your service – they buy a solution to their problem. Have you ever clearly defined the #1 problem you

Marketing creates awareness about what you have to offer. Potential clients will come and check you out and ask, “Can this person help

I Was Broken

I don’t talk about personal stuff very often, but everyone has a big turning point at least once in  their life. Sometimes

Face it, as a busy entrepreneur you either don’t have the time or the skill to keep up with all the changes

Have You Ever Heard of a Mastermind Group? Mastermind Groups are one of the most powerful ways to grow your business quickly,

What’s Your Niche?

I recently started teaching as adjunct marketing faculty at Cleveland State University. It’s been so much fun instructing and inspiring young minds

Nearly 20 years ago, I took a leap of faith, left my corporate job and launched my own business. Like many of


Your business is not growing as quickly as you would like and you’re not meeting your monthly income goals (you do have

Take the First Step

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